
It is necessary to imagine the future in order to try and create small pieces of it, including them within a flow of work and thought. We are concerned with sustainability, regeneration and resilience and our projects seek to reflect these themes. Each project, whether completed or not, involves the travel companions we have worked and studied with, to get to know each other in the process, either tweaking initial ideas or reinforcing them. ‘Imagine’ is the section that presents some of these projects.

Resilient garden

Let’s imagine possible futures that stem from crises. Resilience is the capacity to alleviate shocks and each radical change in the social and economic structure can symbolically lead to crisis or resilience. The projects on which we collaborate tackle aspects of environmental sustainability, ethics (in the sense of safeguarding collective wellbeing and individual components with a focus on social dynamics and research into, and enhancement of, the Genius Loci – spirit of the place), innovation in the economy and in social relationships. 

Docu, Data & Journalism




Each day we review all the articles published in daily newspapers and online which tackle a specific theme or which mention several concepts or key words. We do this for our clients and in order to develop new projects. We select articles for our clients based on key words, necessary attention indicators, alerts for situations that require intervention and proposed solutions. We check the cyclical nature of various themes and occasions when information is used scientifically to impose a theme, sometimes with malicious intent. We analyse flows, dynamics and, where necessary, the possible backstory to information. We work on flows and data and on the knowledge of how the editorial staff of a news team actually works. We therefore attribute “sentiment” to news, both with respect to the socio-political context and the specific needs of a client. We analyse how a news item or a theme can evolve over time and are transformed in relation to various media or social media channels. 


In conjunction with European partners and investigative journalists, we prepare detailed reports of an investigative or financial nature on behalf of newspapers, public administrations and voluntary and not-for-profit organisations (NGOs). Part of the work, developed with Merian Research (Berlin), focuses on new lifestyles, ethical finance and resilience and is publicised as a freely consultable editorial product (attach links PDFs for free consultation, citing the source)